Criterion 7: Active Faculty in Current GS Practice and Research

Criterion 7: Active Faculty in Current GS Practice and Research

Because of the sever limitation imposed by the two-page limit for this section on the application, we list here more extensive documentation concerning the activities of the faculty.

a) Peer reviewed publications on geospatial topics in refereed journals or conference proceedings

Each of our faculty members has typically published multiple peer reviewed articles within the past few years. Please see the CVs.

Beard K. and Neville M., 2014, A Place and Event Based Context Model for Environmental Monitoring. In: H. Huang, J. Hahn, C. Claramunt, and T. Reichenbacher (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Context-Awareness in Geographic Information Services (in conjunction with GIScience 2014). pp. 3-16. <Full Text>

Camara, M. Egenhofer, K. Ferreira, P. Andrade, G. Queiroz, A. Sanchez, J. Jones, and L. Vinhas, Fields as a Generic Data Type for Big Spatial Data, in: M. Duckham, E. Pebesma, K. Stewart, and A. Frank (eds.), Geographic Information Science-Eighth International Conference, GIScience 2014, Vienna, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8728, pp. 159-172, September 2014. <Full Text>

Giudice, N.A., Klatzky, R.L., Bennett, C.R., & Loomis, J.M. (2013). Combining locations from working memory and long-term memory into a common spatial image. Spatial Cognition and Computation. 13(2), 103-128 <Full Text>

Hahmann and M. Gruninger: Complementation in representable theories of region-based space. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54(2), 38 pages, 2013. <Full Text>

Mossakowski, Moratz, R., Luecke, D.: Relations Between Spatial Calculi About Directions and Orientations, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, [status: “accept with minor revision”, 2015. <Full Text>

Whittier, J.C., Liang, Q., and Nittel, S., “Evaluating Streaming Predicates over Dynamic Fields”, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on “Geostreaming” in conjunction with ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Dallas, TX, 2014. <Full Text>

Campbell, James and Harlan Onsrud, 2014, Desirable Characteristics of an Online Data Commons for Locally Generated Spatial Data from Disparate Contributors, URISA Journal 26(1), 35-43 <Text>

b) Published books or chapters of books on geospatial topics within the last 5 years

(i) Book Chapters

Beard K., 2014, Visualization of Uncertainty. In: D. Richardson (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley-AAG, in press.

Egenhofer, 2015, Qualitative Spatial-Relation Reasoning for Design, in: J. Gero (ed.), Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity, Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, pp. 153-175, 2015.

Loomis, J.M., Klatzky, R.L., & Giudice, N.A. (2013). Representing 3D space in working memory: Spatial images from vision, touch, hearing, and language. In S. Lacey & R. Lawson (Eds). Multisensory Imagery: Theory & Applications (pp. 131-156). New York: Springer.

Hahmann and M. Gruninger: Region-based Theories of Space: Mereotopology and Beyond. In: Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Representation and Reasoning: Trends and Future Directions, ed. by S. M. Hazarika, IGI Publishing. 62 pages, 2012.

Winterboer, A., Tenbrink, T., Moratz, R.: Spatial Directionals for Robot Navigation. In: Dimitrova-Vulchanova , M., van der Zee, E. (Eds.), Motion Encoding in Language and Space, pages 84-100, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.

Nittel, “Geosensor Networks”, in Handbook of Geographic Information , Ed: W. Kresse, Springer, Wolfgang Kresse.

(ii) Books

Baclawski, T. Groza, T. Hahmann , I. Varzinczak (Eds.): Proceedings of the 8th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO 2014). CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1248 (, September 2014.

Del Vescovo, T. Hahmann , D. Pearce, D. Walther (Eds.): Proceedings of the 7th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO 2013). CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1081 (, November 2013.

Onsrud, Harlan and Abbas Rajabifard, Eds, Spatial Enablement in Support of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction (GSDI Association Press) 2013,

c) Faculty involved in Writing Grants on Geospatial Topics

The Spatial Informatics faculty members have been consistently successful in acquiring grants on wide ranging fundamental geospatial topics. Funded grants within the past few years include the following:

(i) Originating at University of Maine

Strengthening the scientific basis for decision-making: Advancing sustainability science and knowledge-action capacities in coupled coastal systems. (Senior Researcher: Beard). NSF- EPSCoR Track II. 9/1/13-8/31/16.

Development of a prototype semantically enabled National Map Gazetteer. (PI: Kate Beard) U.S. Geological Survey 9/1/2013-8/31/2014, $59,998

2015-2018 NIH grant R01-EY019924-07, “Audio-Haptic Virtual Environments for Large-Scale Navigation in the Blind”, researching behavioral and neuroimaging effects of multimodal interfaces on spatial learning without vision (N.A. Giudice, UMaine PI; with L. Merabet , Harvard (PI); and K. Sathian, Emory)

2014-2017 NSF grant CHS-#1425337, “Non-visual Access to Graphical Information Using a Vibro-Audio Display,” researching graph/map access using touchscreen-based devices (N.A. Giudice, PI)

2012-2014 NIH Phase II SBIR grant, R44EY021412-02, “Vision Impaired Wayfinding with Doppler Velocimeter,” researching new hardware and user interfaces supporting accessible indoor navigation (N.A. Giudice, UMaine PI; with Koronis Biomedical Technologies, PI, Minneapolis, MN)

2012-2013 UMaine Center for Undergraduate Research Fellowship, “Aging and Driving” (J. Cole & N.A. Giudice, PI)

CDI-Type II: Collaborative Research: Perception of Scene Layout by Machines and Visually Impaired Users CDI-1028895, Kate Beard, Nicholas Giudice, Reinhard Moratz, $700,937, 10/2010-9/2014

(ii) In Partnership with Other Universities

NSERC Engage Grant “humanova: human anatomy in an ontology with variations” ($25,000) Sheila McIlraith (PI, Univ. of Toronto), Postdoctoral researcher: Torsten Hahmann, and Autodesk Research.

Research Grant “Hydrogeology Ontology: formal representation of groundwater knowledge to enhance reasoning in data networks and to inform data standards development”, Geological Survey of Canada ($20,000) PI: Michael Gruninger , Postdoctoral researcher: Torsten Hahmann

Project “Stereo-Optic High Definition Imaging: A New Technology to Understand Bird and Bat Avoidance of Wind Turbines” Wing Goodale, Dave Cowan, Reinhard Moratz, Mark Robinson, U.S. Department of Energy under award DE-EE0006803. $1,100,000, 12/2014-9/2016

d) Subject Matter Experts in Geospatial Forums

As indicated by the full CVs of the Spatial Informatics faculty members, one or more of them has been called upon to serve as an expert in each of the following categories for the indicated organizations, forums or groups.

(i) Serving as Experts on Organizing/Review Committees for Conferences

One or more of the Spatial Informatics faculty members served as lead organizers or on the organizing committee for over 20 major academic conferences over the past three years. See the CVs. A small sampling includes:

Beard, Kate, GIScience 2014—Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Vienna, Austria, September, 2014

Egenhofer, Max, COSIT 2015—Spatial Information Theory: Twelfth International Conference, Santa Fe, NM, September, 2015

Giudice, Nicholas, 9th International Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMo 2015) at IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hahmann, Torsten, GeoVoCamp Reston, VA, December 2014

Moratz, Reinhard, 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2012, Rome, Italy

Onsrud, Harlan, GSDI 14 and Africa GIS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2013

(ii) Serving as Experts on Journal Editorial Boards

One or more of the Spatial Informatics faculty members served on the following scholarly editorial boards. See the CVs for details.

1. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 2014-ongoing, 2. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 2009-ongoing, 3. GIS.Science—Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik, 2009-ongoing, 4. Dissertations in Geographic Information Science, 2009-ongoing, 5. Earth Science Informatics, 2006-ongoing, 6. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 1998-2011, 7. Journal of Spatial Cognition and Computation, 1997-ongoing 8. International Journal of Applied Software Technology, 1994-ongoing, 9. URISA Journal, 2000-ongoing, 10. West Indian Journal of Engineering, 2004-ongoing

(iii) Serving as Experts in Reviewing Scholarly Articles

The outlets for which the faculty members review are too numerous to mention here. Please consult the full CVs of the faculty members.

(iv) Serving as Experts on Board of Directors for a Society or a Scientific Study Panel

One or more of the Spatial Informatics faculty members served as follows. See the faculty CVs.

Board Member, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (2012-present)

Member of the SSTD Endowment, 2010-ongoing

Member of the Strategic Orientation Committee, Centre for Research in Geomatics, Université Laval, Canada, 2003-ongoing

Advisory Board Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration (CSDI&LA), University of Melbourne, Australia, Oct 2010 – present

Executive Director/Secretary General, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI), April 2006- March 2014

(v) Serving as Experts in Symposia, on Panels or in Agency Sessions

Spatial Informatics faculty members served eleven times as invited experts over the last three years either as keynote/featured speakers or as national panel members. See the CVs. A small sample includes:

Egenhofer, Max, Keynote Address, A Future History of Geographic Information Science, GeoInfo 2014, Campos do Jordão, Brazil, November 2014

Egenhofer, Max, Keynote Address, The Transformation of Geographic Information Science, Événement scientifique pour les 25 ans du Centre du Recherche en Géomatique, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, May 2014

Giudice, N.A. (September 2014). Linking behavioral and neuroimaging research with assistive technology development: Problems and progress. Invited talk at the symposium on Merging Neuroplasticity, Education, and Rehabilitation in the Blind. Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA.

Moratz, Reinhard (4/2/2012) Reasoning about Underdetermined Spatial Knowledge, GeoVISTA Center, The Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University

Onsrud, Harlan, Advisory Board SHRP 2 Safety Technical Expert Task Group (T-ETG) on Data Access for the Naturalistic Driving Study, FA009, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2010-2015

e) Membership in Geospatial Science Professional Societies

As indicated by the full CVs of the Spatial Informatics faculty members, one or more of them has been an active member in the following professional societies within or over the past three years. 1. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), 2. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM), 3. Association of American Geographers (AAG), 4. Geospatial Information Technology Association (GITA) formerly AM/FM International, 5. International Geospatial Society (IGS), 6. American Society on Aging, 7. Psychonomics Society, 8. International Association for Ontology and its Application (IAOA), 9. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 10. German Society for Informatics. In addition the faculty unit is a member of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science and the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association.

f) Presentations at Major Regional/National/International Conferences and Events

In addition to the conference presentation affiliated with refereed conference proceedings articles, Spatial Informatics faculty members report an additional twelve conferences at national and international conferences. See the CVs. A small sampling includes:

  1. Beard K., A Place and Event Based Context Model for Environmental Monitoring. 1st International Workshop on Context-Awareness in Geographic Information Services (in conjunction with GIScience 2014). Vienna, Austria, Sept 24-26, 2014.
  2. Li, H. & Giudice, N.A. (2014). Multi-level cognitive maps for supporting indoor wayfinding. Talk at the 5th Annual Mainely Data Conference. May, University of Maine, Orono, ME.
  3. Hahmann, H., B. Brodaric: Kinds of full physical containment, Conf. on Spatial Inf. Theory (COSIT-2013), Scarborough, UK, Sept. 2013
  4. Onsrud, Harlan, Tracking Everyone Everywhere All the Time: Protecting Individual Privacy within a Ubiquitous Observation Society, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Annual Symposium, Pasadena California, 21 May 2014