Maine Institute for Spatial Technologies (MIST)
Promoting Maine Research and Education for Industry and Government Needs
MIST Mission: To create a unique facility that coordinates research, workforce development, industry partnerships, academic initiatives, and collaborations across the seven campuses of the University of Maine System (UMS) within the realm of science, engineering, and technologies related to spatial information.
Important Notice: This is a working document subject to revision by the planning committee.
MIST Conference: Bring together a selected group of Maine private sector businesses, government agency personnel, and academics to explore the benefits and challenges in establishing a Maine Institute for Spatial Technologies.
UMS Support: One University Initiative, Dr. James Page, Chancellor, and Dr. Robert Neely, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Maine System (UMS)
I. Conference Planning Committee
II. Agenda (Draft)
What: Maine Institute for Spatial Technologies Conference
When: December 21, 2016, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Where: Hilton Garden Inn, 5 Park Street, Freeport Maine
I. Conference Planning Committee
- Dr. Kate Beard, Director, National Center for Geographic Information Science (NCGIA) at University of Maine and Chair, MIST Conference Planning Committee
- Patrick Cunningham, President, Blue Marble Geographics, and Chair, Maine GIS Users Group (MEGUG)
- Cathleen McAnneny, Geography, UMaine at Farmington
- Dr. Nicholas Giudice, Director, Virtual Environment and Multimodal Laboratory (VEMI) Laboratory, University of Maine
- Dr. Daniel Hayes, Foresty and Director, Barbara Wheatland Geospatial Analysis Laboratory, University of Maine
- Jeff Jackson, Chief Technology Officer, Apps Group, Esri, Portland Maine
- Dr. Eileen Sylvan Johnson, Environmental Studies, Bowdoin College
- Dr. Tora Johnson, Director, UMaine at Machias GIS Program and UMS MAGI Initiative Coordinator
- Claire Kiedrowski, Kappa Mapping, Bangor, Maine
- Dr. Joseph Szakas, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, University of Maine at Augusta
- Dr. Vinton Valentine, Director, USM-GIS Laboratories, University of Southern Maine
- Dan Walters, GIS Federal Liaison for Maine, USGS, Augusta Maine
- Langley Willauer, Willauer Consulting
- Joseph Young, Executive Director, Geolibrary Board and Maine Office of GIS
Tentative MIST Conference Invitation Lists
• Maine Academic Sector
• Maine Business and Government Sectors
Note: If you believe critical Maine organizations or personnel are missing from the lists and should be invited, please send contact information for those additional persons to
II. Agenda
9:30 Morning Coffee and Muffins
Address by UMS Administration
The MIST Vision
A. Research and Development
• MIST Vision Opportunities and Challenges: Presentation by <to be named>
• Panel Member Responses: 5 representatives from Industry, Government, Academia
Morning Coffee Break and Table Exhibits
B. Education and Workforce Development
• MIST Vision Opportunities and Challenges: Presentation by <to be named>
• Panel Member Responses: 5 representatives from Industry, Government, Academia
Breakout Session Instructions and Goals
Breakout Sessions
Group 1. Research and Development
Group 2. Workforce Development
Afternoon Coffee Break and Table Exhibits
Reports from Breakout Sessions
Group 1. Research and Development
Group 2. Workforce Development
Next Steps
Adjourn: approximately 3:15
III. Background Documents
MIST Vision (Draft)
MIST Organization Chart (Draft)
Maine Applied GIS Institute Proposal (MAGI)
There is no registration fee for invited participants but you MUST register. Lunch and coffee breaks are provided. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible. Registration Form for MIST Conference