
Giudice part of team behind award-winning paper on robotic guide dogs

University of Maine professor of spatial computing Nick Giudice played a key role as a contributor to an award-winning paper about developing robot guide dogs to assist the visually impaired. The paper – which is titled “Toward Robotic Companions: Understanding Handler-Guide Dog Interactions for Informed Guide Dog Robot Design” and can be found here – […]

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Tenure-track/Tenured Assistant Professor in Spatial Computing

The School of Computing and Information Science at the University of Maine seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Spatial Computing group, with an anticipated start date of September 3, 2024. A start date of  January 1, 2024 may also be possible. Our primary target focus is the broad area of spatial […]

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Spatial and More Seminar Series

Please place the following presentations on your calendar for the remainder of the fall semester. Spatial and More Seminar Series Sponsored by NCGIA October 19: 12:00 336 Boardman Hall Chris Bennet, PhD student in Spatial Information Science and Engineering Evaluating and Alleviating Cognitive Map Decay for Older Adult Navigators through the use of Virtual Reality […]

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Four Out of Ten Top Paying Jobs for Women in IT

A recent CNN report indicates that of the top ten paying jobs for women, 4 out of 10 are in IT. (see the article) Combining this with the “Best Jobs in America” previously which assessed job satisfaction, security, compensation and numerous additional factors and we see a great future for both men and women with high […]

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Emergency Sensing

UMaine informatics research is helping the Maine National Guard create an improved disaster relief information system. See UMaine Today

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